Fiber Multiplexers
Fiber multiplexers are powerful communications equipment. They allow mixing of T1/E1, Ethernet, POTS ports (FXO or FXS) and serial datacom interfaces (like V.35, RS-232, X.21, etc.) together on a single circuit of fiber optic. Thus, fiber is saved and higher density and capacity networks can be put together. All our models of fiber optic multiplexers support remote management and have optional service line ports. Capacity starts with 4 T1 or E1 interfaces on low entry models and goes up to 63 T1s or E1s together on a single strand of fiber optic cable. Several models offer fiber redundancy protection and power supply redundancy. Versions of each model can be deployed using single strand BiDirectional optical modules, with distances up to 120Km for dual strand and 80Km for single strand options.